Comfort begins from the ground up. How well you take care of your feet can determine how you enjoy everyday activities such as walking, running, or just standing.
85% of all adults complain of foot pain, stiff muscles, sore knees, shin splints, aching backs, and leg fatigue. Many others suffer from hammer toes, corns and calluses, bunions, spurs, and tendonitis.
At Sole Decisions we put ourselves in your shoes to ensure that you have the comfort to enjoy all of your everyday activities.
Sole Decisions offers full pedorthist services that include custom foot orthotics, over the counter footwear supports, orthopadeic footwear, footwear modifications and bracing.
Click to see how we do things!
Custom Foot Orthtotics
To reduce or eliminate pain in areas such as feet, ankles, knees, hips and lower back
Off-The-Shelf Orthotics
Over-the-counter or off-the-shelf orthoses are suitable when the foot..
Footwear Modifications
These can be a simple as lacing techniques to the more complicated shoe..
Orthopaedic Footwear
Your pedorthist has carefully designed your orthotics for your most..
The Adjustable Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint features adjustable straps that control dorsiflexion..
If you do not have time to come to our office, don’t worry we offer home service, we come for you and take care of your foot.
Learn more about our latest events, news and the latest health articles related to your foot
Common Occupations, Activities and Causes of Foot Disorders Occupations: Cashiers Waiters and Waitresses Retail Clerks Letter Carriers Flight Attendants Hair St..
At present the government does not regulate the making of orthotic devices meaning that any individual can sell orthoses. Therefore, it is important that you ch..
The foot is always in motion and under enormous pressure from the body’s weight. The pressure on the heel when walking can be up to 1.5 times one’s ..
Sole Decisions is owned and operated by Julie Munday, a Canadian Certified Pedorthist, who provides non-surgical solutions, through orthopaedic appliances, for your foot problems